Cookeville First Baptist Kid's ministry exists to come alongside parents in discipling their kids. We do this by fostering a desire for God, and giving families the resources they need to grow in their relationship with God, including opportunities to serve together as a family. We believe that it is never to young to begin building a desire for God, so we begin teaching kids about His love as early as infancy.

Weekly Kids Activities
Sunday School
Sunday at 9:30am
We offer age specific Sunday School classes for all kids to learn about God on their level. Visit the Kid's check in on the second floor to learn more and find your class! We have classes for parents, too! Find your class here.
We offer age specific Sunday School classes for all kids to learn about God on their level. Visit the Kid's check in on the second floor to learn more and find your class! We have classes for parents, too! Find your class here.
Kids Worship
The First Sunday of Every Month - 8:00am & 10:45am
On the first Sunday of every month, we offer kids worship in the big room on the third floor. This happens during the normal worship time, and gives kids an opportunity to learn in a kid-centered environment.
On the first Sunday of every month, we offer kids worship in the big room on the third floor. This happens during the normal worship time, and gives kids an opportunity to learn in a kid-centered environment.
Sunday Evening
Sundays at 5:30pm
Kids will spend time studying foundations of Scripture. Classes study the Bible, memorizing Scripture, and singing together. 1 Timothy states, “All Scripture is God breathed…” Our desire is for kids to value the written word of God and acquire tools to live for Him better.
Parents, we want to pour into you as well! Find a class for you here!
Kids will spend time studying foundations of Scripture. Classes study the Bible, memorizing Scripture, and singing together. 1 Timothy states, “All Scripture is God breathed…” Our desire is for kids to value the written word of God and acquire tools to live for Him better.
Parents, we want to pour into you as well! Find a class for you here!
Wednesday Evening
Wednesdays at 6:00pm
Kids will learn about local and world missions. We spend time digging into God’s Word and see the truths which are applied to their daily lives.
Parents, we want to pour into you as well! Find a class for you here!
Kids will learn about local and world missions. We spend time digging into God’s Word and see the truths which are applied to their daily lives.
Parents, we want to pour into you as well! Find a class for you here!
Summer Activities

Boys and Girls Camp
Follow the link below to learn more and sign up for camps!
Boys Camp - June 2nd-June 6th
Girls Camp - June 9th-June 13th
Camper Age: Completed 1-6 Grade
Counselor Age - 7-12th Grade
Cost - $150/Camper
Counselor Cost - $95
Boys Camp - June 2nd-June 6th
Girls Camp - June 9th-June 13th
Camper Age: Completed 1-6 Grade
Counselor Age - 7-12th Grade
Cost - $150/Camper
Counselor Cost - $95

In addition to boys and girls camps, we are going to Centrikid!
CentriKid Camp is for all kids 2nd grade through 6th grade.
June 30 - July 4
Linden Vally Conference Center - Linden, Tennessee
Cost is $350/Student
CentriKid Camp is for all kids 2nd grade through 6th grade.
June 30 - July 4
Linden Vally Conference Center - Linden, Tennessee
Cost is $350/Student

Wacky Wednesdays
Every Summer, the kid's ministry takes one day a week for a fun activity together. From the aquarium to bowling, we do everything! Stay tuned for dates, locations, and price.