Park Ministry

Serving our Community This Summer

We have identified 2 parks located in communities that we want to minister to this Summer, and we need your help to make this happen! We will be hosting a time of free food, games, and a brief gospel presentation on DAY afternoons every week this Summer. You can volunteer to cook, serve food, run some games, or just come talk to people in the community! This is evangelism focused, so come prepared to share the gospel with those you encounter!

Franklin Park

Located on the West side of Cookeville, Franklin Ave. Park is situated in a highly residential area making it an ideal spot to reach the community through this ministry. We will be hosting at Franklin on Fridays. There are many families in need of the gospel in this community, presenting an awesome opportunity for the gospel to change lives!

Cinderella Park 

Cinderella Park is located on the North side of Cookeville, near Cookeville High School. Cinderella is also located in a highly residential area, with many young families who need the gospel! We will be hosting at Cinderella on Saturdays!


Great! If you would like to know how you can get involved, or want more information you can reach out to Sam Shumpert however he wants to be reached out to.